Matthew Budman

I'm a freelance writer and editor, mostly on business and social issues, and author of Book Collecting Now: The Value of Print in a Digital Age. I've spent my life immersed in words, and it's great to have a place to put many of them. Here are most of my post-college bylined articles, organized loosely by category, including a section with entire issues of The Conference Board Review, which I edited for six years.

Author interviews, essays on books, books I've written or contributed to, and more.

Chaim Potok's Culture Clash

On the telephone, Chaim Potok sounds something like David Lurie, the protagonist of Potok's "In the Beginning"—cryptic and a bit brusque and humorless. But the man who has brought Orthodox Judaism alive for millions turns animated when discussing reactions to his books. "I thought when I wrote The Chosen that it was just a Jewish story. It turns out to be a pretty universal story," Potok says of his first and best-known novel, which describes a young Orthodox man caught between his culture and his intellectual pursuits.
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